Election Symposium 2024

DeLuca Forum, Discovery Building


After Election Day, how do you make sense of the results? Why did one candidate win over the other? Who showed up to vote? Which issues mattered most? What comes next?

On Friday, November 22nd, the Elections Research Center will host an in-depth program unpacking the results of the 2024 Election. This biennial election symposium will feature insights from a variety of elections experts on the key races, issues, and vote patterns across the country, as well as Wisconsin’s pivotal contests and its crucial role as a battleground state. The event is open to the public and community members are encouraged to attend.

The symposium will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison throughout the day on Friday, Nov. 22nd. Additional details and registration to come. Visit the event page for more details when they are announced. Sign up for our newsletter to get notified when registration opens!