Election Matters 2024

There’s a lot to keep track of in a presidential election year, and this one has proved to be as fast-paced and demanding as those before. This special event series featured timely events throughout the year providing crucial analysis of the political landscape and key trends as they shape the 2024 Election. Recordings and additional details are provided for each event:

  • March 8 – Current Challenges to Election Administration
  • July 11 – Year in Review: Democracy Litigation in SCOTUS & the States
  • Sept. 13 – The Promise & Perils of AI in American Elections
  • Oct. 18 – Safeguarding the Vote: Election Subversion Risks & Responses

Thanks to a fruitful partnership between the Elections Research Center and the State Democracy Research Initiative, the Election Matters 2024 event series brought together various experts to dissect the most important issues and ongoing developments in all things elections-related.

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Safeguarding the Vote: Election Subversion Risks & Responses

Recent attempts by bad actors to interfere with U.S. elections and undermine democratic integrity have revealed vulnerabilities in the system, raising concerns among experts and the public alike. This panel discussion will examine the risks of election subversion in the upcoming election and explore strategies to defend against these threats.

Watch the event recording to hear leading election experts discuss the latest tactics aimed at subverting the 2024 election outcome and how election officials, policymakers, and civic organizations are working to safeguard democracy.

Our expert panel features Kathy Boockvar (former PA Secretary of State), Rick Hasen (UCLA Law), Jessica Marsden (Protect Democracy), and Davin Rosborough (ACLU), with SDRI Co-Director Rob Yablon as moderator (UW-Madison). This event is approved for 1.5 CLE credits.

When: Fri. October 18, 4-5:15 p.m. CT
Where: University of Wisconsin Law School, RM 2260 (or live-stream)

The Promise & Perils of AI in American Elections

As artificial intelligence rapidly evolves, its influence on elections and political campaigns grows. This panel discussion will explore the dual-edged sword of AI in the American electoral process, examining both the promise and perils of the burgeoning technology for democratic engagement, election integrity, and trust in U.S. elections.

Watch the event recording to hear insights from leading scholars and policy experts on the emergent role of AI and generative media in elections, campaigns, and the political landscape at large and contribute to a critical conversation about the future of democracy in our evolving digital age.

Our expert panel features Craig Holman (Public Citizen), Claire Leibowicz (Partnership on AI), Alex Lindsay (AI Political Pulse), and Lawrence Norden (Brennan Center for Justice), with ERC Director Barry Burden as moderator (UW-Madison). This event was approved for 1.5 CLE credits.

When: Fri. September 13, 3-4:15 p.m. CT
Where: Wisconsin Idea Room, School of Education (or live-stream)

Year in Review: Democracy Litigation in SCOTUS & the States

Keeping up with the never-ending developments in election law can be challenging! Join us in-person or virtually on July 11th to hear from the experts on the latest and most significant election-related federal and state court rulings, with a catered reception to follow.

Our expert panel features Pam Karlan (Stanford Law Supreme Court Litigation Clinic), Derek Muller (Notre Dame Law School), Gowri Ramachandran (Brennan Center for Justice Democracy Program), and Rylee Sommers-Flanagan (Upper Seven Law), with SDRI Co-Director Miriam Seifter as moderator (UW-Madison Law). This event was approved for 1.5 CLE credits.

When: Thurs. July 11, 3-4:15 p.m. CT
Where: Wisconsin Idea Room, School of Education (or live-stream)

Current Challenges to Election Administration

Over the last two election cycles, election administrators have worked under increasing pressure and scrutiny to deliver results both fast and accurately. This panel discussion addresses the ongoing challenges facing election administrators and assesses potential solutions to overcome them, with a catered reception to follow.

Panelists include Edward Foley (OSU Moritz College of Law), Alice Miller (Election Center), Rachel Orey (Bipartisan Policy Center), and Mindy Romero (USC Price School of Public Policy). The panel is moderated by ERC Director Barry Burden (UW-Madison). The event was approved for 1.5 CLE credits.

When: Fri. March 8, 3-4:15 p.m. CT
Where: UW Law School, RM 2260 (or live-stream)

We would like to thank Stafford Rosenbaum LLP for sponsoring this event series

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