Barry Burden Comments on Gerrymandering Decision in New York Times
Barry Burden explains how the Supreme Court’s decision does not mean the debate over it will be going away any time soon.
July 1, 2019Kenneth Mayer Chats with Salon about First Democratic Debate
Kenneth Mayer explains how the Democratic Debate is the start of voters making up their minds about who to vote for.
July 1, 2019Eleanor Powell Speaks to 538 about Money in Politics
Eleanor Powell explains why it is difficult to link contributions to influence over policy.
July 1, 2019Kenneth Mayer Comments on ‘Democracy Dollars’ in Newsweek
Kenneth Mayer comments on Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand’s proposal for “democracy dollars” where voters would receive a voucher to donate to their prefered candidate.
July 1, 2019David Canon Quoted in Bloomberg on 2020 Election in Wisconsin
David Canon discusses the potential a Democratic candidate has to take back Wisconsin and other Rust-Belt states in 2020.
July 1, 2019Young Mie Kim Talks to USA Today about Mueller Report
Young Mie Kim puts the Mueller Report in the context of her research into Russian interference and digital disinformation.
July 1, 2019Michael Wagner Speaks about Supreme Court Election on Wisconsin Public Television
Michael Wagner talks about what the Wisconsin Supreme Court Election may mean for 2020.
July 1, 2019Katherine Cramer ‘Digital Hearths’ Project Featured in CapTimes
Katherine Cramer talks about her “digital hearths” project designed to facilitate community conversations and engages Madison residents on issues related to the upcoming mayoral election.
July 1, 2019Barry Burden Provides Analysis on Howard Schultz to Financial Times
Barry Burden talks to the Financial Times about how a third-party run from Howard Schultz is unlikely given existing structural barriers to entry.
July 1, 2019Katherine Cramer talks to Journal Sentinel about Rural-Urban Divide
Katherine Cramer talks to the Journal Sentinel about how Walker emphasized the rural-urban divide in the state during his tenure. She is the author of The Politics of Resentment, an investigation into “rural consciousness” and the …
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